Academy Day
Structure of the Academy Day
To ensure lessons start promptly a warning bell is rung five minutes before Form Time, Period 2 and Period 4.
The lunch sitting that year groups attend is subject to change, based upon cohort size and time of the year.
Before and after school:
• Breakfast is available in the dining hall every day from 8.00am to 8.30am.
• Students must be on site by 8.35am.
• Electives – offering a range of clubs and quiet study spaces – are available every day from 3.10 – 4.00pm.
Further details can be found on the annual enrichment schedule. There is an expectation that students in
Years 7 to 10 attend at least one elective a week. Students in Senior Year attend electives in line with
their personalised revision and intervention schedule. Light refreshments are available at 3.00pm for all
elective attendees