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"All staff at Caister Academy are committed to creating a Safeguarding culture and actively promote the welfare of our students."


At Caister Academy we place the highest priority on safeguarding children. To ensure all students are safe, we need the support of all staff, parents, visitors, governors and our community. If you have any concerns or worries about the safety and welfare of our students, please inform the Safeguarding Team immediately.

The Caister Academy Safeguarding Team

We are dedicated to keep our children safe in education and work in close partnership with other agencies including: local health services, the health authority and social services, all of which share our commitment in safeguarding children and young adults.


To contact any member of the Safeguarding team, please email: This inbox is monitored during school hours. For any urgent safeguarding concerns, please contact the school office on 01493 720 542 and ask for the Safeguarding Team. If you have concerns that are outside of school hours, please ring the police on 999.

Student Voice

Each year, Creative Education Trust launch a Student Voice survey, where students get the opportunity to report their findings about their school anonymously. We are proud to report that the 2022-2023 survey indicates that 95% of Caister Academy students would report a concern to a member of staff at the school. 

At Caister Academy we offer the Student Voice portal, where students can anonymously report any concerns that they may have, such as: areas of the community or school where they feel unsafe, to report bullying, non-urgent disclosures, or student forum suggestions regarding the school. Students can access this portal from their school dashboard on a school device. We believe Student Voice is a fantastic tool to help capture any worries students may have. Since using this portal, we believe students have played a key role in keeping each other safe.


Useful Links & Documents

Website Link Contact Number About
Childline  0800 11 11 24 hour helpline
NSPCC 0800 800 5000 24-hour child helpline
The Proud Trust 0161 660 3347 LGBT and youth support
Cancer Support 0808 800 1234 Cancer support line
Crime Victims 0845 303 0900 Victim support
Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 Crime prevention
Missing Persons 0500 700 700 Parents helpline
Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 24-hour suicide prevent line
Stop Smoking 0800 00 22 00 Quitting helpline 9am-9pm
Kidscape 020 7730 3300 Bullying & how to cope
Youth Access 020 8772 9900 Discuss issues confidentially
CALM 0800 58 58 58 Helpline for boys aged 15+
Anxiety UK 08444 775 774 Anxiety helpline
MIND 0300 123 3393 Mental health helpline
CAMHS 0300 123 1882 Child mental health
Child Loss UK 0800 028 8840 Child bereavement helpline
RELATE 0300 100 1234 Relationships help
Bereavement UK 0800 634 9494 Bereavement help
Young Minds 0800 802 5544 Emotional help
Beat Youth Line 0808 801 0711 Eating disorder helpline
Papyrus 0800 088 4141 Young suicide prevention
OCD UK 0845 120 3778 OCD help
Mental Health Foundation 020 7803 1100 Mental health issues helpline
No Panic 0844 967 4848 Help with anxiety disorders
Grief Encounter 0808 802 0111 Help for bereaved children
UK Safer Internet Centre 0344 800 2382 Help keep your child safe online
Anti-Bullying Alliance - United against bullying
Kooth Information - Parent information regarding Kooth
My Family Coach - Parenting Support
Operation Encompass - Domestic Violence
Digital Lives - Tips for encouraging open discussions about Digital Lives - Protect yourself online
Disrespect Nobody Campaign - Information on Healthy Relationships
Nude Images - Information about children sharing nude images
Knife Crime - Information about Knife Crime
Preventing Online Radicalisation and Extremism - Parent Courses on Radicalisation and Extremism